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School Uniform

Our School Uniform

Children from Junior Infants to First Class wear our school tracksuit every day. All other class wear the school tracksuit on their designated PE days and the full school uniform on the other three days.

Our school uniform consists of a navy jumper with the school crest, blue shirt, navy skirt/trousers/pinafore with navy socks/tights and a navy tie.

Our school tracksuit (worn on designated P.E. days and sports days) consists of a navy tracksuit top with the school crest, a blue polo t-shirt and navy tracksuit

Our school uniform can be purchased in the following local shops:

• Natasha’s Gift Shop, Rathangan 086-8616499

• Earley’s Fashion Shop, Main Street, Monasterevin 045-525395

Every June, the Parents’ Association organise a uniform swap day in our school hall. On this day good quality second-hand uniforms are available to parents at a nominal fee.