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Parents’ Association

Chairperson: Lindsey Hurley
Secretary: Debbie Fallon Deputy Secretary: Laura Dempsey
Treasurer: Angela Cusack

Bunscoil Bhríde Parents Association

The Parents Association would like to welcome all the new junior infants’ students & their parents to Bunscoil Bhríde.

We would like to tell you a little bit about Bunscoil Bhríde Parents Association and what we do to assist the school:

  • Review School policies – at the request of the school;
  • Attend the Annual General Meeting;
  • Attend monthly meetings to discuss upcoming events, policies etc;
  • Help out with school tours;
  • Help out on Grandparents Day;
  • Organise fund raisers as and when required – majority of our fund raising is done via the clothes bank at present;
  • Organising the Christmas Cards orders for all students;
  • Organising parents’ evening seminars eg. Cyber Safety;
  • Organising CPR accredited CPR & first aid courses for parents;
  • Co-ordination with Kildare Sports Partnership in morning walking initiatives;
  • Organising Fun Run in aid of the school;
  • Help out at concerts, Halloween Spooky Walks, making St Brigid’s crosses.

The Parent’s Association has helped to raise monies towards the following over the years

  • Santy Visits & gifts for all students at Christmas;
  • Defibrillator which is located at the front door of the school;
  • Reduction in the costs of swimming for 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes;
  • Funding Heritage Trips for 3rd-6th class.
  • Upgrade of the sensory room;
  • Upgrade of the school library.

The Parent’s Association also petitioned for the new pedestrian crossing which is located at the front of the school aswell as the other new crossing near the Garda station.

The PA is a bridge between the school and the parents, it is a great way to get involved in your child’s school life.

If any parents would like to get involved in the please contact us at

There is absolutely no pressure or expectation for volunteers to be involved in all the events – whenever suits your schedule everyone is more than welcome to come along and get involved.






  1. The Association shall be known as Bunscoil Bhride Parents’ Association hereinafter referred to as ‘the Association’.


  1. Membership of the Association is open to all parents and guardians of children enrolled in Bunscoil Bhride, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, hereinafter referred to as ‘the School’.


  1. The aims of the Association shall be:

(a] To represent the best interests of the school and its pupils in whatever manner may be appropriate.

[b] To help develop co-operation between parents, pupils, teachers and the Board of Management.

[c] To encourage parents to take a more active part in the education process by way of discussions, talks, training courses and other such means.

[d] to provide a forum;

  1. For the parents’ elected representatives on the Board of Management to report to parents, through the Association’s Committee, on matters discussed at Board level which affect parents and/or pupils through agreed statements when approved by the Board of Management.
  1. For the Committee to inform the Board of Management on matters which they may wish to have discussed by them.


  1. The Annual General Meeting is to be held before the last day of September. All parents or guardians of children attending the School shall be invited to attend this meeting; invitations in writing shall be issued not less than one week before the date of the Meeting.
  1. At the AGM, the previous years Assistant Chairperson may take over from the Chairperson, Assistant Secretary from the Secretary and the Assistant Treasurer from the Treasurer.
  1. The position of assistants and any other positions deemed necessary will be elected at the monthly meeting following the AGM (October meeting).
  1. The number of officers elected to the executive Committee shall be not less than six. Outgoing members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
  1. Candidates for election must be nominated and seconded at the Meeting. If more than the required number of candidates is nominated and seconded for a position, a secret ballot shall be held to determine who shall be elected. Two tellers shall be nominated from the floor to supervise the counting for any such ballot.
  1. The parents’ elected representatives on the School’s Board of Management shall be members of the Association but cannot hold officer positions.
  1. Any officer who, without satisfactory explanation, fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Association shall be deemed to have resigned from the executive committee. The Committee may, at its discretion, co-opt additional members.
  1. The Committee, may, at its discretion, invite any person to participate in its deliberations, but any such person shall not be permitted to hold office or to vote.


  1. The Association shall meet once per term during the school year at the discretion of the committee.
  1. Minutes from each meeting shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.
  1. Meetings shall be approximately 1 hour long.


  1. An agenda is to be prepared in advance by the Chairperson and the Secretary. The Secretary to be advised in advance of any items to be included in the agenda.
  1. The Deputy Principal of the school shall be present at meetings whenever possible.
  1. Any meeting of the Association may proceed with the business in hand provided that a quorum consisting of not less that one third of the voting membership is present.
  1. At the meetings, everyone’s point of view is important and participation is encouraged in a confidential setting.


  1. With the permission of the Board of Management, the Association shall fund its own running costs.
  1. The Committee shall operate a bank account on behalf of the Association. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the management of this account, and shall maintain a book recording all transactions into and out of the account. No outgoing transaction shall take place without the prior approval of the Committee. All cheques and withdrawal dockets drawn on the account shall be signed by the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.
  1. The Treasurer shall prepare a statement of the financial position of the Association for each meeting of the Committee, and shall prepare a Treasurer’s Report for the Annual General Meeting.
  1. This Constitution, once adopted by the Association, may only be amended or set aside by a majority vote of parents attending a General Meeting of the Association. Any proposal for a change in the Constitution shall be notified to the Secretary in writing at least two weeks before the date of any such meeting.
  1. It shall be the policy of the Association not to interfere in the day to day running of the School, nor to allow itself to be used as a forum for complaints or problems relating to individual children.
  1. The Association shall be affiliated to the National Parents’ Council. The Committee shall appoint delegates to the County Committee of the National Parents’ Council as required.