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Our Staff 2024/25

Principal: Maria Rogerson
Deputy Principal: Ciara Ruttledge
Assistant Principals:  Eimear Ryan, Áine De Faoite, Savannah Rowley and Claire Frawley

Class Teachers (2024/25)

Junior Infants: Ms. Ruttledge

Senior Infants: Ms. Choudhury

Senior Infants: Ms. Costello

First Class: Ms. Feeney

First Class: Ms. Gleeson

Second Class: Ms. Ryan

Third Class: Ms. Brogan

Third Class: Ms. Coughlan

Fourth Class: Ms. Geraghty

Fourth and Fifth Class: Ms. Freeborn

Fifth Class: Ms. Banks

Sixth Class: Ms. Marrinan

Sixth Class: Ms de Faoite

Special Education Teachers:

Ms. Beary and Ms. Greally (job-sharing)

Ms. McEvoy

Ms. Garrahy

Ms. Frawley

Bluebells Class Teacher: Ms. Rowley
SNAs: Mary Behan, Laura O’Rourke, Evelyn Kelly, Lisa Donnelly, Olive Whelan, Mandy Kelly
Secretary: Catríona Mulpeter
Caretaker: Ray Hoey