Junior Infants have been learning how to add within 5.
We all enjoyed some pancakes!
Carmel Somers taught all the girls in Bunscoil Bhride some Irish dancing steps today. The girls showcased the talents and […]
Junior Infants had a lovey morning asking the grandparents what school was like when they were young. They also performed […]
For the month of January, the children a focusing on gymnastics during P.E. The girls are having great fun, climbing, […]
Room 1 was a hive of activity during science week. The girls enjoyed lots of experiments.
Noel Hendrick, the Olympian visited our school Junior Infants made lovely Irish flags to welcome him!
Junior Infants were using their maths eyes to look for 2D shapes around our school.
We always start the day with some fun morning activities to help develop our fine motor and social skills.
We have been learning about hedgehogs in Junior Infants. We made our own little hedgehogs using autumn leaves.
We have been working on our fine motor skills, learning all about 2D shapes and have having so much fun […]
Incy Wincy Spider Tree Day
Our wonderful Junior Infants are off to a great start in school. They have been very busy making friends and […]