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Projects & Activities

Author Visit to First Class 2019 970 views

Emma-Jane Leeson, author of the Johnny Magory Series visited First Class on Friday 14th June. She read to the children […]

Drumming Workshop 2019 863 views

All children in the school participated in a DRUM NATURE drumming workshop on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th and May. […]

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019 1125 views

Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl againn i mBunscoil Bhríde ó an 11ú lá go dtí an 15ú lá de […]

Primary Debating Competition 1373 views

Success for our debating team The 6th Class debating team took part in the Quarter Finals of the Kildare Primary Debating […]

Junior Entrepreneur Project 2019 804 views

On Friday March 1st Ms. DeFaoite’s 5th Class and Ms. O’Halloran’s 6th Class hosted a showcase in the hall as part of the […]

World Book Day 2019 2023 views

We celebrated World Book Day in Bunscoil Bhríde on Thursday 7th March. All classes had the opportunity to dress up as a […]

Grandparents’ Day 2019 1510 views

On Wednesday 30th January, we celebrated Grandparents’ Day at Bunscoil Bhríde. We were thrilled to have such huge numbers of […]

Credit Union Art Competition 958 views

Congratulations to all of those who participated in this years Credit Union Art Competition. As always the standad of art produced […]

Science Week 2018 1036 views

Science Week took place from 12th to 16th November this year and was celebrated at Bunscoil Bhríde with lots of science […]

Catholic Schools Week 872 views

We celebrated Catholic Schools Week from Monday 29th January to Friday 2nd February at Bunscoil Bhríde. We kicked off the […]

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