Dear Parents / Guardians,
We hope you are all well. Our news is as follows:
- School closure: The school will close on Monday next, 3rd March for staff inservice in the new Bí Cineálta Anti-Bullying Procedures and a staff meeting. Our school calendar for this school year can be viewed on our website
- Debating Final: Excitement is building across the school as our fantastic debating team prepares for the finals of the Concern Primary Debating Competition! Having secured a place in the top two teams across Kildare and West Wicklow, this is a truly remarkable achievement for our school. The final will take place next Thursday in Kildare County Chambers, Naas, where our team will face St. Patrick’s N.S., Celbridge, proposing the motion: “Cities are essential to tackling climate change.” Our debaters, guided by Ms. Banks and Ms. Costello, have dedicated an incredible amount of time and effort to their journey through the competition. Their research and delivery have been inspiring, and the whole school has learned from their insights. In preparation for the big day, all Third to Sixth Class pupils will have the opportunity to hear the team’s speeches on Tuesday in the halla. This session will also include an open debate, where pupils can challenge points and engage in discussion. We are immensely proud of the team and their mentors and wish them the very best of luck in the final!
- World Book Day: We will celebrate World Book Day this year on Friday 7th March, with all classes participating in various different book-related activities. Our aim is to encourage children to read at home and to learn to love books. We would ask that you support us in this endeavour by encouraging reading and by taking your child to the library regularly. All children are asked to dress as a character from their favourite book on Friday (ensuring that they are appropriately attired for the weather). Book tokens to the value of €1.50 will be distributed to all children next week.
- Ash Wednesday: This year Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday 5th March. We will take all classes from Second to Sixth over to 10am Mass in the church on Ash Wednesday, as is our custom.
- Concerts: Our third night of concerts will take place in the school hall on Thursday 13th March, with Ms. Choudhury’s Senior Infants, Ms. Feeney’s and Ms. Gleeson’s First Classes and Ms. Brogan’s Third Class performing. As you know, our hall is quite small so space is limited. We will not have seats for children and any children who have to come will have to sit on the knees of an adult. Children from our school should not come, where possible. They will have had the opportunity to see all the class plays during the school day. The concert will begin at 7pm, with doors opening at 6.30pm (please note that the doors will not open before 6.30pm). Entry: €5 per person (cash only please). All money raised is going towards the purchase of play equipment for our Bluebells playground. We look forward to another night of top-class entertainment. All plays have been / will be recorded and are available to watch back on the relevant class blog on our school website at
- Seachtain na Gaeilge: Tá Seachtain na Gaeilge beagnach buailte linn arís (10ú – 14ú lá de mhí Márta). Beimid go léir ag úsáid cúpla focal chomh minic agus is féidir i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge. Beidh an Céilí Mór ar siúl againn ar an Céadaoin, an 12ú lá de mhí Márta. Beidh ‘Lá Glas’ ar siúl ar an Aoine, an 14ú lá agus beimid go léir ag caitheamh éadaí glasa ar an lá sin. Beir bua agus bain taitneamh as Seachtain na Gaeilge!Please attempt the cúpla focal at home with your child(ren). We will celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge with An Céilí Mór sa halla on Wednesday 12th March, with all classes getting the opportunity to practise their Irish dancing. I want to thank Carmel Somers, who has kindly volunteered to help with our Céilí Mór. All the classes will engage in various activities to mark Seachtain na Gaeilge throughout the week. Friday 14th March will be a non-uniform day to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge and we will dress in green on that day. Photographs of Seachtain na Gaeilge, together with the Céilí will be available to view on
- Assembly: Our whole-school assembly for the month of February takes place in the halla today and will be led by Ms. Ryan’s Second Class and Ms. Banks’ Fifth Class.
- Oral Language: The theme for the month of March will be ‘Descriptions and Descriptive Language’. All classes will be focusing on this theme for the month and we would ask that parents support us at home, by using rich, descriptive language as much as possible, drawing children’s attention to such language in stories and discussing with them what they’ve learnt in school on this topic.
- Punctuality: School starts at 8.50am. It is vital that your child attends for school on time. Arriving even 12 minutes late for class each morning effectively means your child is missing out on one hour of tuition every week.
- Footwear Reminder: For health and safety reasons, canvas runners (Converse etc.) cannot be worn in school. All footwear must provide sole support and be suitable for running.
- Parent Volunteers: We frequently require parent volunteers to accompany us on school trips, work with classes or get involved in various activities here in the school. Under the National Vetting Act, all volunteers coming into our school must be Garda vetted through our diocesan office (Kildare and Leighlin). The process is very straightforward, but can take up to four – six weeks to complete. The forms required for Garda vetting for the school are available here in the office or can be emailed to you. Please let us know if you wish to be vetted. We would urge as many of you as possible to do so.
- Our website: Please check out our wonderful website It contains lots of photographs and information about all the events taking place in the school and in the individual classrooms. Each class has a blog under the ‘Classes’ tab on the home-page. Some of our school policies are also available to view on the site. A substantial amount of work goes into regularly updating it and it is well-worth a look.
Kind regards,
Maria Rogerson