Dear Parents / Guardians,
We hope you are all well. Our news is as follows:
- Quiz: Our Third and Fourth Class Rathangan Schools’ Quiz will take place on Monday next in our school hall and we look forward to welcoming the boys from Rathangan Boys’ School, who will work alongside our girls in mixed teams, with prizes up for grabs. Our Fifth and Sixth Class Quiz will take place on the following day in Rathangan Boys’ N.S. We would ask you to support us at home in preparing the girls for their quiz by helping them to practise and develop their general knowledge skills.
- School closure: The school will close on Monday 3rd March for staff inservice in the new Bí Cineálta Anti-Bullying Procedures and a staff meeting. Our updated school calendar can be found on our website
- Vision Screening: Vision screening of Junior Infant pupils by staff from the HSE will take place in the school on Wednesday 26th February.
- School Tours: Teachers have finalised school tour details for the summer term and all parents received an Aladdin app message last week with all the tour details. A payment request for the school tours can be found under the ‘Money’ tab on the Aladdin Connect menu. All classes will go on a school tour this year. We are endeavouring to keep costs as low as possible. The reason we are eager to inform parents of the cost at this early stage, is to allow for children to save, in order to pay for their own school tour. School tours can be paid in instalments (min amount €5) and must be paid in full before Friday 30th May.
- Irish Dancing: Carmel Somers has been teaching Irish dancing to all of our classes. She will return to work with the girls again on Wednesday 26th February. Photos of the Irish dancing can be viewed on our school website
- World Book Day: This year we will celebrate World Book Day on Friday March 7th. All classes will be participating in various different book-related activities on World Book Day. Our aim is to encourage children to read at home and to learn to love books. We would ask that you support us in this endeavour by encouraging reading and by taking your child to the library regularly. All children are asked to dress as a character from their favourite book on Friday 7th March (ensuring that they are appropriately attired for the weather). Book tokens to the value of €1.50 will be distributed to all children during the week of World Book Day.
- Homework: Homework is an important link between home and school and offers children the chance to consolidate their learning. Please ensure you check your daughter’s homework each evening and sign her homework journal.
- Party Invitations: Party invitations should not be handed out at school. This can instead be done outside of the school, in order to avoid upset to children not invited.
- Change of Contact Details: Please check that your contact details are recorded correctly on the Aladdin app and notify the school if you have changed your contact details (phone, email or address). It is important that we keep our records up to date, so that we can always get in contact with you should the need arise. Please ensure you have listed at least two emergency contacts on the app (contact the office if you need assistance with this). Please also let us know if you have not been receiving Aladdin app messages from the school.
- Midterm Break: The school will be closed on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week; the 19th, 20th and 21st February for midterm break and will reopen on Monday 24th February. We hope you all have a lovely break.
Kind regards,
Maria Rogerson