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National Fitness Day 2023!

October 2, 2023 #

On Thursday 28th September we all celebrated National Fitness Day! Students and teachers all wore their active gear and got to participate in a fun filled day full of extra P.E. and movement activities. Classes paired up together for some fun and engaged in obstacle courses, dodge ball, running our running track and loads more! We were also very lucky to get taught some cool new yoga and mindfulness techniques from coach Una Curran. We then had Music on yard at lunch time to dance to and get some extra steps in. We finished off with some active homework. We all had a great day!

Active Schools Week 2023

June 14, 2023 #

The girls in Bunscoil Bhride had great fun celebrating Active Schools Week 2023. They got to celebrate sports days, try their hand at tennis in the local tennis club, participate in a whole school disco etc..! We were blessed with the weather and had great fun all round. A big thanks to the Active Schools committee and to all the staff who helped to put it all together. We hope you enjoy some of pictures and videos down below.

Lá Fhéile Bríde

January 31, 2023 #

Today we held our whole-school assembly to mark Catholic Schools’ Week and also to celebrate Lá Fhéile Bríde (St Brigid’s feast day on February 1st). St Brigid holds a special place in our school not only for being the patron Saint of Kildare but she is also where we get our school name ‘Bunscoil Bhríde’ from. At assembly we saw our senior girls enact the story of St. Brigid and her cloak and also heard poetry about St.Brigid weaving a cross by a dying chieftain’s bed. Classes throughout the school have been busy making St. Brigid’s crosses from rushes too! Gifts were presented to our sacred space including pictures of animals, symbols of nature and a fabulous St Brigid’s cloak sewn by our 5th and 6th class girls with Aideen Cross. To conclude our assembly the whole-school performed the song ‘We sing a song to Brigid’.

Parents’ Day 2022

December 22, 2022 #

On Friday 16th December we celebrated our first ever Parents’ Day in Bunscoil Bhride. Parents had the opportunity to visit their children’s classroom and see all the amazing work being completed in school each and every day. They listened to songs, saw artwork and got to have some tea and treats afterwards thanks to our Parents’ Association. It was a wonderful whole school celebration and there was such a great atmosphere to be felt around the school that day.

Christmas Play-Behind the scenes!

December 11, 2022 #

Ms. Dillon and Ms.Rowley’s 1st class girls, Ms. O’Connor’s 3rd class girls and Ms.Ruttledge’s 5th class girls Christmas plays were performed Thursday 8th of December. Each class did a wonderful job! Here are some pictures from behind the scenes on Thursday!

Peace Proms Workshop

December 11, 2022 #

On Thursday 8th of December some of our 6th class girls, accompanied by Ms.Rowley, Ms. De Faoite and Ms.Dillon, headed to the National Indoor Arena in Blanchardstown to participate in a workshop for Peace Proms. They had great fun practising all their singing and dance moves led by internationally acclaimed conductor Greg Beardsell. We are really looking forward to our concert in the RDS in February.

Friendship Week 2022

November 29, 2022 #

“To have a friend you must be a friend”. We celebrated a wonderful week of friendship week in Bunscoil Bhride! From secret friends to random acts of kindness, golden tickets to friendship cards we all had a great week showing kindness towards others. Have a look at our video below which shows our friendship week celebrations.