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Our Class Picture

September 2, 2024 #

Look at our fabulous 6th Class! We are very excited about the year ahead!

May Assembly

June 23, 2024 #

Ms. Bank’s and Ms. Costello’s 5th class and Senior Infants finished off our May assembly with an Abba melody! Well done girls!

Senior Sports Day 2024!

June 5, 2024 #

What a fabulous day we had for our Senior Sports Day! Thanks to our super Active Schools Committee and Ms Rowley who organised an amazing day. There were lots of different activities such as basketball, dodgeball, tag-rugby, races, obstacle courses and much more! The day finished with a disco where 5th and 6th class showed off the dances that they have been learning with Ms. Rowley.

April Assembly

May 1, 2024 #

Ms. Geraghty’s 4th class and Ms.Gleesons Junior and Senior Infants hosted our April assembly. We celebrated our April birthday girls, thanked our various committee members, the choir and congratulated our Communion classes. Ms. Rogerson also shared the wonderful news that we have received our 11th Green Flag. Well done to the Green Schools Committee!

All classes took part in a drumming workshop this month. Ms. Gleeson’s Junior and Senior Infants did a lovely drumming piece for us to showcase what they learned. 

4th class concluded the assembly with some riddles and jokes for the whole school. 

Well done girls!

Drumming Workshop

April 13, 2024 #

All classes in the school participated in a Drum Nature workshop on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th of April. The child used lots of different types of drums and percussion instruments to compose unique rhythms. They learned about polyrhythm (two different rhythms playing at the same tempo) and had so much fun creating music and using the drums. A huge thanks to our fantastic Parents’ Association, who fully funded this fabulous workshop!

Seachtain na Gaeilge

March 24, 2024 #

Cheilúireamar Seachtain na Gaeilge iontach eile anseo i mBunscoil Bhríde arís i mbliana. Ghlac na ranganna páirt i tráth na gcéist, clúichí Gaeilge, ciorcal cómhrá agus céilí sa halla.

We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge here in Bunscoil Bhríde between 11th – 22nd of March. The classes took part in quizes and games as Gaeilge, dressed up for lá glas and took part in 2 céilís over the fortnight. All classes were making such a fantastic effort to ‘bí ag labhairt as Gaeilge’! Maith sibh!

February Assembly

March 4, 2024 #

Ms Garrahy’s Second Class and Ms Coughlan’s Third Class led our monthly assembly on Thursday the 29th of February. The classes discussed all of the news from February including the results of  the quizzes held with the boys school and the Cumann na mBunscoil quiz. They spoke about the sports news in basketball, and the beginning of football and cross country training. They also talked about the importance of lent and the second class girls’ upcoming confession. They discussed our recent inspection for our 11th Green flag and learning about planting vegetables with Paddy Madden. The girls ended the assembly by performing “I Can See Clearly Now” to celebrate the beginning of Spring. Well done to each class for a beautiful assembly.

Third and Fourth Class Quiz with the Rathangan B.N.S.

February 25, 2024 #

Our Third and Fourth Classes participated in a quiz in the school on Wednesday 14th February. We welcomed the boys from the boys school who visited to partake in the quiz and worked alongside our girls in mixed teams. See below for pictures of the winning teams being presented with their medals. Well done to all classes who participated! Our Fifth and Sixth Class will visit the boys school this Friday to complete in the annual quiz.

Planting with Paddy Madden

February 24, 2024 #

Gardening expert, Paddy Madden, completed gardening workshops with all the classes on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th of February. Paddy spoke to all classes about food miles and the importance of eating food that is locally sourced. All the planting was completed indoors and the classes will be watering and caring for the seedlings indoors for the next 3 weeks. We look forward to planting our seedlings in the school garden when the weather improves and we are excited to harvest our crops of fruit and vegetable in the coming months! Thanks to Ms. Kelly for organising the gardening workshops and our caretaker, Ray for ensuring our garden is prepared and ready for Paddy’s workshops.

Irish Dancing with Carmel Somers

February 24, 2024 #

We would like to sincerely thank Carmel Somers who is engaging all classes in Irish dancing lessons at Bunscoil Bhríde. We have picked up some wonderful dancing skills and look forward to continuing our dancing practice throughout the year as well as at our céilí for Seachtain na Gaeilge in March.